Transfer domain from Godaddy to Bigrock using Authorization Code

In this article I am going to explain How to Transfer domain from Godaddy to Bigrock using Authorization Code.
Recently I’ve decided to move all my domains and hosting on single provider because doing  that will make management of all my domain and hosting product will be easy for me.
Many times this also happens with  people who wants to manage their all products from single account and that’s why I’ve decided to make a tutorial on how you can Transfer domain from Godaddy to Bigrock using Authorization Code.
The whole process is divided in to two parts. In first part we have to unlock the domain and get the authorization code while second part contains steps to requesting the domain addition on  other provider.
Now the steps to Transfer domain from Godaddy to Bigrock using Authorization Code is given below.

Transfer domain from Godaddy to Bigrock using Authorization Code (Part I)

    1. Login to your GoDaddy  Account.
    2. After successful login you will be redirect to dashboard page similar to image below.
      domain transfer
    3. Now click on Manage button in front of Domain Name, it will redirect you to domain management page, similar to image below.domain lock
    4. Now to transfer the domain you have to unlock it first.
    5. To unlock the domain just click on Edit  link in front of Domain Lock text.
    6. Now change the status of toggle bar to off in next screen, and it will unlock the domain for transfer process.
    7. After unlocking the domain for transfer, We need to get the authorization code.
    8. Click on Get Authorization code link, given in above image.
    9. It will mail you authorization code to your admin email of account.

Since we have completed the Part I of domain transfer process, now we have to move to visit to the provider on which we want to transfer our product.

  1. Visit to other provider on which you want to move your domain.
  2. Search the domain on their domain search box and click on transfer button.
  3. Complete the payment process of domain to transfer the domain on other provider.
  4. Shortly their representative call you to ask the authorization code to confirm the transfer.
  5. Once verification is completed, your domain will be moved to other provider.

You can watch the below video for reference, In which I have transferred my domain from godaddy to bigrock.

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