Redirect one domain to another by Domain Forwarding

In this article, I am going to explain How to Redirect one domain to another by Domain Forwarding.

Before moving to domain forwarding process, let’s analyse what is domain forwarding and what’s the purpose of domain forwarding?

Domain Forwarding is the process by which, domain name redirect user’s to other domain or website.
It is similar to web page redirection in which web page redirect user’s to other web page or website.
Only difference instead of using script, this can be achieved by domain itself.

So why do we need domain forwarding when we can redirect our user’s with script?
Answer is by using domain forwarding we don’t need any hosting to host our file or script which contains redirection code.

Scenario 1: Simple Domain Forwarding.
Suppose you have multiple domains with same name but different tlds and you want to redirect all domain to open only on your “.com: domain.
In this case you don’t need to host all your domain separately and put a redirection code in there.
All you have to do is to setup redirection on your domain.
Follow the given steps to  redirect your domain to your primary domain.

Redirect one domain to another by Domain Forwarding.

  1. Login to your domain names provider website and select the domain for which you want to setup the domain forwarder.
  2. Click the DNS option to view the DNS settings of website.
  3. On DNS settings page, look for section with Forwarder and click Add button in front of domain text, this will open the options for domain forwarding similar to below image.
  4. Now select the protocol of your original website and enter the domain name in next text box.
  5. In Forward Type option select, Permanent(301) if you want it for long time, If you setting this for short period choose Temporary (302).
  6. Now in Settings option select Forward only, we will discuss Forward with masking in next section of this post.
  7. Check the Update my nameservers and DNS settings to support this change. option and press the Save button to setup the domain forwarding.
  8. Wait 6-8 hours for domain propagation and after this period whenever you will access your  domain it will be redirected to the new domain.

Scenario 2: Simple Domain Forwarding with masking.
Suppose you have multiple domains with same name but different tlds and you want all of them to show your main website content without redirection and hosting.
In this case we will use Domain forwarding with masking option.
By using this option your browser will show your current domain with all url of your original domain.
To setup domain forwarding with masking, follow the steps 1 to 5 from above steps and for sixth step, select Forward with masking option and we are done with domain forwarding.

If you have any question or query, you can ask it on our Ask Question section of website.

Watch the video for demonstration, How to Redirect one domain to another by Domain Forwarding.