Setup Custom Email on Gmail to Send Receive Mail

In this article I am going to explain How to Setup custom email on gmail to send receive mail.
When you buy domain and hosting from any provider and starts your business online, it’s a good idea to use your branded email for business, it
also increase your brand visibility .
In a recent survey done by Verisign, 65% customers trust a business with custom branded email rather than free email account.
Now one of shortcoming of custom branded email is; they provide very basic interface to access your email.
Many of user unable to use them properly because they are using Gmail or any other service provider which has very nice interface.
So I have decided to write an article on How you can use your branded email with gmail, and explaining the process of Setup custom email on gmail to send receive mail.

Setup Custom Email on Gmail to Send Receive Mail

  1. Login to you Gmail account.
  2. After login, click on Settings (gearbox icon dropdown) option on top right corner of gmail, this will redirect you to your gmail setting page.
  3. On setting page, Click Accounts & Import Option.
  4. On Accounts & Import Option page, click Add another email address link.
  5. When you click on link, it will open popup to add email in gmail
  6. In first popup, Enter Display Name for email and Email Address you want to use with gmail and press next.
  7. In second popup, Enter SMTP configuration for your email (you can get it from your hosting provider), Email Id and Password for that email and press Add Accoount.
  8. It will send you confirmation code on your Email, copy the code from email and paste it on third popup box and press verify.
  9. Once the email is verified, you can use that email with gmail to send email.
  10. To send email through that mail, select it from “From” option of Composer.

You can watch the video for live Setup custom email on gmail to send receive mail. 
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