Hello World Code

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Hello World Code

Hello world code is any programming language code which is used to introduce the basic output concept of any programming language.
After writing the code of hello world, beginner gain sufficient knowledge of that programming language structure.

Hello World C program

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
     printf("Hello, World!");
     return 0;

Above code is example of Hello World C program. You can see clearly that, we have used only a print statement to display the “Hello World!” on user’s console.
If we analyze this program closely, we came to know the basic structure of C programming language.
The first statement is used to include the basic library, which we are going to use in our program.
Second statement, tells us to declare the main function which is entry point of program.
In third statement, we are using predefined function “printf“ and passing the string “Hello World!” which will write it to the user’s console.
In fourth statement, we are “returning” the value 0, which denotes the successful execution of the program.
So if you are going to write your next C program, you have to follow the same syntax.
WordPress also creates first example post of “hello world” to show the user how to write any post in wordpress.
This is example post contains some random text about wordpress and also basic tags and styling function.
The first line of this post shows the some random text of wordpress hello world text.
If you have any question related to programming, you can ask on our Ask Question Page

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